Hokkaido, Japan’s Northern Sea Circuit, is known as the biggest Sea Cucumber catching quantity in our country. With its distinctive facts of Six Line Needles’ beauty and rich nutriment, Hokkaido is the origin of the very best quality of Sea Cucumer in the world. As there are enough planktons around the catching area, Sea Cucumbers grow healthy in the cold sea water environment. It has been found that Hokkaido Sea Cucumbers’ growth is considerably slower, three to four times longer times than any other areas. Accordingly, such slow growth in tough environment create extremely high nourishment of Extra Premium Quality.
北海道,是日本海參產量最高的地方,並且擁有質量最好的6排刺海參,無論從營養還是外 型上都實屬參中瑰寶。這得益於其得天獨厚的生長環境,北海道海域,擁有豐富的海洋微生 物,低溫的生長環境使得北海道海參生長速度極為緩慢,為平常海參生長時間的3-4倍,較長 時間的生長,使得北海道海參更多的吸收營養物質,被稱為參中極品。